2021 THB Digital Brochure

M UNICIPAL P LANNING Teton Heritage Builders keeps abreast of the fast changing county and state building regulations and the personnel in charge of them. By working closely with planners and regulators from the beginning, we identify design elements that may become obsta- cles to quick approval of the project. B IDDING D OCUMENTATION Teton Heritage Builders prepares detailed contract bid packages to address areas of conflict and possi- ble overlap in subcontractor scopes. This practice safeguards against double payment for services. We also use our knowledge of local subcontractor capabilities to ensure that only those of proven qual- ity are allowed to bid on the project. We can expe- dite the schedule by awarding certain subcontracts, such as excavation, foundations, and log packages prior to design completion. Finally, we make recom- mendations regarding subcontract general condi- tions that limit owner liability, promote safety, en- courage equal employment opportunities, and ad- vance “environmentally friendly” processes.


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