2021 THB Digital Brochure

A great home design is functional spaces, elegant forms, and cost-effective constructability. THB pro- vides services during the design phase to ensure that your quality, budget and schedule objectives are achieved. Firstly, we participate in a conversa- tion with you and the architect about quality and the material palette ( Design Intent Consen- sus ). Secondly, we ensure that the design tracks with the owner’s budget through Historical Cost Estimation and Value Engineering . And thirdly, we perform tasks to ensure that the home can be de- livered as quickly as possible ( Whole Project Sched- uling and Municipal Planning ). By continuing this strategic communication as the design progresses toward completion, we achieve clarity of mission and trust between the three part- ners. All elements we feel are critical to the suc- cess of a project of the highest quality. H ISTORICAL C OST E STIMATION & V ALUE E NGINGEERING Construction pricing in this region is unique and the market is constantly fluctuating. THB prepares a preliminary budget immediately upon receipt of all available information. Over the last 22 years we have developed a 40 page spreadsheet of histori- cal data tempered by the latest pricing from our subcontractors to provide you a realistic cost estimate even from schematic drawings. As the design progresses, we update our estimate to pin- point the final cost of the project. Using this data, W HOLE P ROJECT S CHEDULING Teton Heritage Builders develops and maintains a planning and progress schedule to coordinate and integrate your scheduling and the architect’s design efforts with material delivery and project sequencing. Our system is specifically designed to account for this region’s short building season for exterior construction. We identify mate- rials that have an impact on the schedule -up front- and we determine the key ordering dates accordingly. This approach allows us to meet your scheduling desires without material substitutions that could degrade the architectural design.

D ESIGN I NTENT C ONSENSUS An ongoing three-way communication involving you, the architect and THB as the builder, is ideally launched during the conceptual phase of the design. Here the creative design intent of the architect, your desires and budget, as well as THB’s understanding are thoroughly discussed to assure a seamless approach.

you can direct the architect’s efforts by adding to the design or refining it to meet your budgetary goals. If the program and budget objectives are starting to diverge we have developed user friendly value engi- neering spreadsheets that allow you to adjust the program based what you want to spend. In short, you stay in control of the budget.


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