2024 THB Digital Brochure
Smith-Uzer Jackson Hole, WY - 5500 SF
A true modern home in Jackson Hole Wyoming, designed by the Chicago architec ture firm Nagle Hartray, The natural materials, western red cedar siding, Spanish ce dar windows with bronzed cladding, and a chimney of local stone keep the home grounded in its rugged setting.
Fayette Ranch Pinedale, WY - 12,644 SF
An addition to an original log ranch house that incorporated several natural water features to the landscape. Full-arch barrel trusses are the center pin of this log post & beam structure. This home was featured in Custom Wood Homes magazine.
McGregor/Manne Cabin Gros Ventre West, Jackson Hole, WY - 1000 SF
Two historic cabins, stunningly perched above the valley floor, were connected with a new game room. The cabin was featured in Log Home Design Ideas and Home stead magazine.
Homewood Suites - Hilton Jackson, WY - 35,808 SF
Mizu Sushi Restaurant Teton Village, WY - 800 SF Gilday Architects’ contemporary design stresses efficient spatial planning to achieve optimal operations in a limited commercial space. A Hawtin-Jorgensen designed hotel in downtown Jackson features forty-one luxury suites, an indoor swimming pool and fitness center, integrated mechanical systems, and elegant residential-style accommodations. This project was delivered in 11 months.
Beck Residence Jackson Hole, WY - 8600 SF A log and stone structure designed to incorporate space for the owner’s love of art and photography. This home was featured in Log Home Design Ideas .
Pannell Residence Granite Ridge, Teton Village, WY - 6841 SF
This hybrid log and stick frame home combines steel, log and conventional framing structures with high end custom finishes. Featured in Log Homes Illustrated, Log Home Plans, and Homestead magazine .
Backman Compound West Solitude, Jackson Hole, WY - 9713 SF
A residential compound that captured the client’s goals for tranquility, entertaining out-of-town guests & enjoying hobbies. Featured in Log Homes Illustrated and Log & Timber Style .
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