2024 THB Digital Brochure

E ASY AND C LEAR C OMMUNICATION Great communication requires great listening skills and great systems to keep information clear and orga nized. THB stresses regular communication and in our weekly progress meetings. We deliver the infor mation with written notes to ensure a clear understanding of decisions. In 2008, we added our website communication portal , Pro-Core, that creates a central cache of all the project information and enables easy transfer of drawings, requests for information, schedules, photographs, budgets, and punch lists. The difference between a tolerable and excellent construction experience is clear, friendly, and timely project communication. We recognize this and we excel at it. P RECISE P ROGRESS S CHEDULES Throughout construction we maintain our critical path schedule prepared during the design phase. We carefully track our crew and subcontractor progress and material deliveries to ensure that no unnecessary delays occur during construction. Also, if unforeseen conditions occur which will impact the completion date, we look for alternatives to get the project back on track. Our goal is to deliver your dream home when you want it. C HANGE O RDER C ONTROL AND V ALUE R ETENTION Nobody likes change orders – the owner, the architect nor the builder - because they are inherently ex pensive. The best way to retain value is to avoid them by getting THB involved early in the process so that we have a clear understanding of the owner’s and architect’s design intent and define the work accord ingly. Barring that, or if you change your mind, then we can buy the new program with a thorough under standing of historical costs so that even a change order can be purchased at a reasonable incremental cost. The result is that THB built homes have value the day they are completed. Additionally, if you are using third party financing, we provide cash flow projections and draw requests for those teammates as well.


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