2023 THB Brochure

The key to delivering legacy quality craftsman ship in a no-surprises fashion is excellent listening and communication. Our weekly progress meet ings and website communication portal , ProCore, lay at the center of this process. Through our steadfast use of these components we institution alize listening and understanding. We effectively listen, repeat back to you, and memorialize the final finish selection decisions in a timely fashion so that the home is delivered with your quality ex pectations in a timely and valuable man ner. Each weekly meeting will address the budg et, final finish selections, the schedule, and any program changes. ProCore serves as a way to publicly document the decisions and as a central cache of all the project information. O PEN B OOK C OST P LUS = P EACE OF M IND We believe in our budgets and with over 20 years of historical cost data we know what Rocky Mountain construction costs. Consequently, we can provide detailed target estimating to come up with extremely accurate Cost Plus pricing to you. You can rest assured that we will deliver on, or very close to, our budgets. In short, THB pro vides Peace of Mind . L EGACY Q UALITY C RAFTSMANSHIP Everyone can feel a truly well crafted home. The way you achieve legacy quality is by having the personnel on staff that have been imbued with a spirit to achieve excellence. There are 8 active THB owners in Wyoming and Montana and the THB team has over 200 years combined experi ence in these working owners . We know how to build quality homes and we are passionate about what we do. Additionally, since our inception in 1996, THB personnel have always installed the fin ish trim in our homes and many times we craft the logs, timbers, framing, siding and cabinetry. This pursuit of excellence starts at THB and spreads through our trade partners such that we deliver “magazine quality homes.”


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